Information technology in judicial procedures

challenges in the use of videoconferencing for hearings and trials


  • Cinara Rocha Universidade do Minho
  • João Álvaro Carvalho Universidade do Minho
  • Antônio Henrique Suxberger Centro Universitário de Brasilia


Virtual hearings. Remote hearings. Videoconferencing. Virtual trials. e-Justice.


Before the COVID-19 disease, videoconferencing was used mostly for specific circumstances in judicial proceedings. During the pandemic, its use became widespread as an alternative to in-person hearings. It is already recognized that videoconferencing reduces costs and time spent in judicial proceedings and broadens access to justice. Nevertheless, important criticism is raised referring to the possible violation of justice values. In this paper, we used content analyses of 25 academic research to describe the main concerns relating to virtual judicial hearings. Two dimensions of concern emerged from our review. The first is related to problems that affect the good use of videoconferencing, and the second relates to the use of videoconferencing per se.

Biografia do Autor

Cinara Rocha, Universidade do Minho

Doutoranda no Departamento de Sistemas de Informação, Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho em Portugal e pesquisadora vinculada ao Centro ALGORITMI. Mestre em Administração Pública pela Univesidade de Brasília. Analista de Gestão no Ministério Público do Distrito e Territórios Federais. Seu estudo de doutoramento centra-se no tema da justiça eletrônica.

João Álvaro Carvalho, Universidade do Minho

Full professor at the Department of Information Systems, School of Engineering, University of Minho, and researcher at Centro ALGORITMI. He is also Adjunct Professor at the United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV).

Antônio Henrique Suxberger, Centro Universitário de Brasilia

Full professor at the Master and Doctoral Program in Law, UniCEUB. Doctor in Law, Universidad Pablo de Olavide: Sevilla, Andalucía, ES.


